New Arrivals ★ - eBooks

2 Books found
A Cursory Glance At The Theory Of Wilayat Al Faqih

Authors: Ayatullah Muhammed Taqi Misbah Yazdi

In Beliefs, Wilayat (Divine Authority), New Arrivals ★

By Book Findtruth

An insightful exploration of Wilayat al-Faqih by Ayatullah Muhammed Taqi Misbah Yazdi, detailing its theoretical basis and implications for Islamic governance.

110 Sawal Wa Jawab

Authors: Ayatuallah Nasir Makarim Shirazi

In New Arrivals ★

By Book Findtruth

"110 Sawal Wa Jawab" is a concise Islamic guide addressing 110 common questions about faith, practice, and ethics. It provides clear answers, offering insight into key aspects of Islamic teachings for both new learners and seasoned practitioners.