Biographies of 14 Infallible - eBooks

46 Books found
Ahl Al-Bayt - The Celestial Beings On The Earth

Authors: Hujjatul Islam Husayn Ansarian

In Socio-Cultural, Beliefs, Imamah (Divine Leadership), Wilayat (Divine Authority), Islamic History, Biographies of 14 Infallible, Youth Spirituality, Life History of Martyrs of Karbala

By hadi hassan

Ahl Al-Bayt - The Celestial Beings on the Earth examines the revered status and contributions of the Prophet Muhammad’s family, highlighting their spiritual significance and moral leadership.

15th Of Ramdhan

Authors: Mohammad Reza Hakimi

In Supplications, Muslim Practices, Sawm (Fasting), Islamic History, Biographies of 14 Infallible, Life History of Martyrs of Karbala, Du'as for Specific Days, Du'as for Special Occasions

By hadi hassan

15th of Ramadhan explores the significance of the 15th day of Ramadhan, including the birth of Imam Hasan (A.S), and provides a collection of supplications and traditions for the day.

10th Ramadan - The Demise Of Lady Khadija-Tul-Kubra (Sa)

Authors: No Author

In Supplications, Beliefs, Loyalty, Islamic Ethics (Core Values), Islamic History, Biographies of 14 Infallible, Du'as for Specific Days, Du'as for Special Occasions

By hadi hassan

10th Ramadan - The Demise of Lady Khadija-Tul-Kubra (SA) commemorates the passing of Lady Khadija (SA) with an account of her life, contributions to Islam, and special supplications for the day.

A Brief Biography Of Imam Hasan

Authors: M.M. Dungersi

In Imamah (Divine Leadership), Islamic Ethics (Core Values), Biographies of 14 Infallible, Seerah (Life of the Prophet), Life History of Martyrs of Karbala

By hadi hassan

An overview of the life and legacy of Imam Hasan (A.S), the grandson of Prophet Muhammad, written by M.M. Dungersi, focusing on his leadership and contributions to Islam.

A Brief Biography of Imam Husayn

Authors: M.M. Dungersi

In Imamah (Divine Leadership), Islamic Ethics (Core Values), Biographies of 14 Infallible, Seerah (Life of the Prophet), Life History of Martyrs of Karbala

By hadi hassan

A concise biography by M.M. Dungersi on the life of Imam Husayn (A.S), highlighting his sacrifices at Karbala and his enduring legacy in Islam.

Ali: The Miracle of Mohammad

Authors: Yakub Hasan Rizvi

In Imamah (Divine Leadership), Wilayat (Divine Authority), Biographies of 14 Infallible, Seerah (Life of the Prophet)

By hadi hassan

An insightful look into the life of Imam Ali (A.S) and his divinely appointed leadership, as portrayed in "Ali: The Miracle of Mohammad" by Y. Yakub Hasan Rizvi.

Ahl Al Bayt Its Meaning And Origin

Authors: Syed Mohd Husayn Jalali

In Imamah (Divine Leadership), Wilayat (Divine Authority), Biographies of 14 Infallible, Seerah (Life of the Prophet)

By Book Findtruth

An exploration by Sayed Muhammad Hussain Jalali on the meaning and origin of Ahl al-Bayt, highlighting their religious and spiritual significance in Islam.

Abu Talib: The Staunch Believer

Authors: No Author

In Wilayat (Divine Authority), Biographies of 14 Infallible, Biographies of Great Scholars

By hadi hassan

A detailed account of Abu Talib ibn Abdul Muttalib’s life and faith by Talee, focusing on his role and contributions to early Islam.

Imam Hassan Al Askari (As)

Authors: Shaikh Al Mufid

In Imamah (Divine Leadership), Biographies of 14 Infallible, Imam Mahdi (A.S), Biographies of Great Scholars

By Book Findtruth

A detailed biography of Imam Hassan al-Askari (A.S) by Sheikh al-Mufid, covering his life, contributions, and significance in Twelver Shia Islam.