Najaf (Iraq) - eBooks

2 Books found
The Land Of The Lovers Vol 1 - 2

Authors: Hujjatul Islam Husayn Ansarian

In Socio-Cultural, Islamic History, Islamic Family, Biographies of 14 Infallible, Youth Spirituality, Imam Mahdi (A.S), Life History of Lady Zainab (A.S), Life History of Martyrs of Karbala, Islamic Holy Places, Najaf (Iraq), Karbala (Iraq)

By Book Findtruth

The Land of the Lovers Vol 1-2 explores the lives and sacrifices of the Ahlul Bayt, especially Imam Hussain (A.S) and the martyrs of Karbala, along with the spiritual significance of Karbala and Najaf.

Honouring Allah’s Saints

Authors: Yaqoob Jafri

In Beliefs, Ideology (Core Beliefs), Wilayat (Divine Authority), Akhlaq - Ethics, Islamic Ethics (Core Values), Islamic History, Biographies of 14 Infallible, Biographies of Great Scholars, Islamic Holy Places, Najaf (Iraq), Karbala (Iraq)

By Book Findtruth

"Honouring Allah’s Saints" explores the tradition of recognizing and respecting saints in Islam. It examines their contributions and the impact of their reverence on Islamic spirituality and community life.