Nubuwwah (Prophethood) - eBooks

8 Books found

Authors: Muhammad Ali Shomali

In Beliefs, Nubuwwah (Prophethood), Imamah (Divine Leadership), Islamic History, Biographies of 14 Infallible, Life History of Martyrs of Karbala

By hadi hassan

An exploration of Imam Husayn’s connection to Prophet Abraham, examining his role as a spiritual and moral heir and the parallels between their sacrifices and teachings.


Authors: Shaikh Sadooq

In Quran and its Sciences, Beliefs, Tawheed (Monotheism), Adalah (Divine Justice), Nubuwwah (Prophethood), Imamah (Divine Leadership), Ma’ad (Day of Judgement), Tafseer (Exegesis/Explanation of the Quran), Quranic General Knowledge, Islamic History, Biographies of 14 Infallible, Seerah (Life of the Prophet)

By hadi hassan

Essence of Shia Faith explores the foundational beliefs of Shia Islam, covering the key pillars of Tawheed, Adalah, Nubuwwah, Imamah, and Ma’ad, with a focus on divine leadership and justice.

Eating And Drinking Conduct Of Prophet Muhammad

Authors: Dr.Mohammad Reza Jabbari

In Nubuwwah (Prophethood), Islamic Ethics (Core Values), Lifestyle and Morals, Islamic Lifestyle, Seerah (Life of the Prophet)

By hadi hassan

A study on the eating and drinking habits of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) by Dr. Mohammad Reza Jabbari, emphasizing simplicity, moderation, and spiritual mindfulness.

An Introduction To Ilm Al Kalam

Authors: Ayatullah Murtadha Mutahhari

In Tawheed (Monotheism), Adalah (Divine Justice), Nubuwwah (Prophethood), Imamah (Divine Leadership), Ideology (Core Beliefs), Comparative Religion (Comparing Beliefs)

By Book Findtruth

A foundational guide to the science of Islamic theology, exploring key theological debates and concepts in Islam.

Salat The Mode Of Divine

Authors: Ayatullah Mirza Mahdi Isfahani

In Quran and its Sciences, Beliefs, Tawheed (Monotheism), Nubuwwah (Prophethood), Muslim Practices, Salah (Daily Prayers), Amr bil Ma'ruf (Encouraging Good), Akhlaq - Ethics, Trustworthiness, Obedience to God, Tajweed (Rules for Reciting the Quran), Quranic Supplications (Dua)

By Book Findtruth

Salat: The Mode of Divine explores the significance of daily prayers in Islam, offering practical and spiritual insights into how Salah fosters a deeper connection with Allah (SWT).

Islami Uloom Ka Taaruf - ILME KALAM

Authors: Ayatullah Murtadha Mutahhari

In Beliefs, Nubuwwah (Prophethood), Imamah (Divine Leadership), Ideology (Core Beliefs), Islamic History, Biographies of Great Scholars

By Book Findtruth

Islami Uloom Ka Taaruf - ILME KALAM explores the science of Kalam, focusing on rational and philosophical arguments in Islamic theology and its historical development.

Background Of The Birth Of Islam

Authors: Sayyid Muhammad Husayni Beheshti

In Beliefs, Nubuwwah (Prophethood), Islamic History, History of Prophets, Seerah (Life of the Prophet)

By hadi hassan

"Background of the Birth of Islam" explores the historical and social context preceding the advent of Islam. It examines the pre-Islamic Arabian Peninsula, detailing key events and figures that influenced the birth of Islam and its early development.

Al-Mizan Volume 4

Authors: Sayyid Muhammad Husayn Tabataba'i

In Quran and its Sciences, Beliefs, Tawheed (Monotheism), Nubuwwah (Prophethood), Ma’ad (Day of Judgement), Tafseer (Exegesis/Explanation of the Quran), Top-Rated Books ★

By hadi hassan

An essential Tafseer work, "Al-Mizan Volume 4" offers detailed commentary on Quranic verses, enhancing understanding of Islamic teachings.