"The Saqifa" provides a comprehensive examination of one of the most critical turning points in Islamic history—the event of Saqifa. After the death of the Prophet Muhammad (S), the Muslim community faced an urgent question of succession. This book delves into the political, social, and theological implications of the Saqifa meeting, where certain members of the Ansar and Muhajirun convened to select the next leader of the Muslim Ummah.
Through a thorough historical analysis, "The Saqifa" investigates the selection process that ultimately led to the appointment of Abu Bakr as the first caliph. The book highlights the debate surrounding the legitimacy of the Saqifa assembly, examining the perspectives of both Sunni and Shiite traditions on the matter of leadership. It further explores the significant implications this event had on the political landscape of the Islamic world, particularly regarding the exclusion of Imam Ali (A.S.) from the process and the resulting division in the Muslim community.