Treatise On Rights (Risalat al-Huquq)
Authors: Al-islam
In Rights of Husband and Wife, Rights of Parents
By Hadi Hassan
This treatise outlines the various rights and responsibilities in Islamic teachings, emphasizing ethical behavior, social justice, and mutual respect among individuals.
Tradition of Myrobalan Fruit (Hadith al-Halila)
Authors: Majlisul Muslemeen
In Wisdom and Spirituality, Islamic Health & Hygiene
By Hadi Hassan
This work explores the significance of the Myrobalan fruit (Halila) in Islamic tradition, detailing its health benefits and cultural importance as mentioned in hadith literature.
Parent-Child Relationship
Authors: Association of Imam Mahdi
In Socio-Cultural, Rights of Parents, Children's Upbringing
By Hadi Hassan
This book provides insights into the significance of the parent-child relationship in Islam, emphasizing love, respect, and responsibilities.
Love And Hate For God’s Sake
Authors: Al-islam
By Hadi Hassan
This book delves into the Islamic principle of loving and hating for the sake of God (Al-Wala' wa Al-Bara'), which guides a believer’s emotions and actions. It emphasizes how true love and loyalty should be directed towards God and His cause, while hatred is reserved for actions or behaviors that contradict divine teachings.
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Obligations and Prohibitions in Islamic Divine Law
Authors: ABWA Publishing and Printing Center
In Islamic Lifestyle, Islamic Education
By Hadi Hassan
This book presents a clear overview of the obligations (wajibat) and prohibitions (haram) outlined in Islamic divine law (Shariah). It provides insights into how these rules shape the lives of Muslims, emphasizing moral discipline, spiritual growth, and compliance with Allah's commands.
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Life Under The Grace Of Ethics
Authors: Naser Makarem Shirazi
In Akhlaq - Ethics, Islamic Ethics (Core Values)
By Hadi Hassan
"Life Under The Grace Of Ethics" explores the importance of living a life guided by Islamic ethics and values, providing insight into how ethical principles shape personal and social conduct in the light of Islamic teachings.
Jami' al-Sa'adat (The Collector of Felicities)
Authors: Muhammad Mahdi Naraqi
In Islamic Ethics (Core Values)
By Hadi Hassan
"Jami' al-Sa'adat" is an influential work of Islamic ethics that presents a comprehensive guide to moral and spiritual development. Authored by Allama Muhammad Mahdi Naraqi, the book addresses virtues, vices, and the paths to achieving moral perfection.
'Allamah Tabataba'i's Footnote to Mulla Sadra's Proof of the Sincere
Authors: Muhammad Legenhausen
By Hadi Hassan
"'Allamah Tabataba'i's Footnote to Mulla Sadra's Proof of the Sincere" explores Tabataba'i's significant contribution to Mulla Sadra's philosophical discourse, particularly focusing on the concept of 'sincere believers' and their unique relationship with the divine.
A Glimpse of Tafsir Al-Mizan: The Miracle of the Qur’an
Authors: shahnaze saffidiene
In Tafseer (Exegesis/Explanation of the Quran)
By Hadi Hassan
"A Glimpse of Tafsir Al-Mizan" offers an overview of one of the most respected commentaries on the Qur’an, revealing its profound interpretations and its role in showcasing the miracle of the Qur’an.