698 Books found
The Tranquil Self Nafs E Mutmainna

Authors: No Author

In Self-Recognition (Understanding One's Faith), Akhlaq - Ethics, Islamic Lifestyle, Featured Selections ★

By hadi hassan

"The Tranquil Self: Nafs e Mutmainna" explores the concept of the tranquil soul in Islamic philosophy, emphasizing the importance of achieving inner peace and spiritual contentment through self-awareness and faith.

12 Questions Concerning Fadak

Authors: No Author

In Comparative Religion (Comparing Beliefs), Islamic History, Politics and Society, Featured Selections ★

By hadi hassan

"12 Questions Concerning Fadak" addresses critical inquiries surrounding the historical and political significance of Fadak in Islamic tradition, offering insights into its impact on the early Muslim community.

Divine Judgment - Hokm Versus Human Judgment - Hokm

Authors: No Author

In Quran and its Sciences, Beliefs, Adalah (Divine Justice), Ma’ad (Day of Judgement), Politics and Society

By hadi hassan

This book delves into the concept of Ḥokm, or divine judgement, in contrast with human judgement, exploring ethical and spiritual dimensions within Islamic thought.

Islamic Laws Of Computer And Internet

Authors: Ayatullah Sayyed Mohammad Saeed Al Hakeem

In Socio-Cultural, Muslim Practices, Politics and Society

By hadi hassan

This book offers a detailed guide on the Islamic legal perspectives regarding the use of computers and the internet in today’s world.

Islamic System

Authors: Al Balagh Foundation

In Socio-Cultural, Beliefs, Ideology (Core Beliefs), Politics and Society

By hadi hassan

An exploration of the Islamic system of governance and social organization based on the Qur’an and Sunnah.

Khums - The Fund Of Independence Of Bait Al Mal

Authors: Ayatuallah Nasir Makarim Shirazi

In Socio-Cultural, Muslim Practices, Zakah (Charity Giving), Khums (Giving One-Fifth of Annual Saving), Politics and Society

By hadi hassan

There are lots of Ahadith in main and famous texts of Shi’aa about Khums and the things which Khums applies on them, and the way of consumption and prorating and other rulings have been expressed, that it is impossible to mention all of them in this brief discussion.

Martyrdom Arise And Bear Witness

Authors: Dr. Ali Shariati

In Socio-Cultural, Beliefs, Nubuwwah (Prophethood), Jihad (Striving in the Way of God), Islamic History, Life History of Martyrs of Karbala

By hadi hassan

This book examines the concept of martyrdom in Islam, with a focus on the sacrifices made by the martyrs of Karbala.

Monotheistic Conception Of The Universe

Authors: Ayatullah Murtadha Mutahhari

In Socio-Cultural, Quran and its Sciences, Beliefs, Tawheed (Monotheism), Allah (SWT) (God)

By hadi hassan

Every doctrine and every philosophy of life is indispensably based on a sort of belief, an evaluation of life and a sort of interpretation and analysis of the world.

Questions On Titles

Authors: No Author

In Beliefs, Ideology (Core Beliefs), Self-Recognition (Understanding One's Faith), Akhlaq - Ethics, Truthfulness, Politics and Society

By hadi hassan

A thought-provoking discussion on the importance of names, titles, and identities within Islamic society.