698 Books found
What a Muslim Should Know and Believe

Authors: Sayyid Saeed Akhtar Rizvi

In Beliefs, Ideology (Core Beliefs), Muslim Practices, Islamic Lifestyle, Young Readers

By hadi hassan

This book outlines the fundamental beliefs and practices every Muslim should know, offering guidance on Islamic principles and values.

Taqiyah (Dissimulation) in Islam

Authors: Sayyid Saeed Akhtar Rizvi

In Beliefs, Self-Recognition (Understanding One's Faith), Politics and Society, Islamic Lifestyle

By hadi hassan

This book explores the concept of Taqiyah in Islam, examining its religious and social implications for Muslims throughout history.

The Justice of God

Authors: Sayyid Saeed Akhtar Rizvi

In Quran and its Sciences, Beliefs, Adalah (Divine Justice), Akhlaq - Ethics, Obedience to God, Tafseer (Exegesis/Explanation of the Quran)

By hadi hassan

This book explores the concept of Divine Justice (Adalah) in Islam, addressing philosophical and theological questions about the justice of God and His actions in the world, from the perspective of Islamic theology and ethics.

Imāmate : The vicegerency of the Holy Prophet

Authors: Sayyid Saeed Akhtar Rizvi

In Quran and its Sciences, Beliefs, Imamah (Divine Leadership), Wilayat (Divine Authority), Tafseer (Exegesis/Explanation of the Quran), Islamic History, Biographies of 14 Infallible

By hadi hassan

This book offers a comprehensive study of the concept of Imāmate in Islam, emphasizing the role of the Imams as the divinely appointed leaders who succeed the Holy Prophet. It examines the theological foundations, Quranic evidence, and historical significance of Imāmate.

Hijab : The Dress of Modesty in Islam

Authors: Sayyid Saeed Akhtar Rizvi

In Socio-Cultural, Akhlaq - Ethics, Islamic Ethics (Core Values), Lifestyle and Morals, Women in Islam, Islamic Lifestyle

By hadi hassan

This book provides an in-depth explanation of the concept of Hijab in Islam, exploring its spiritual, ethical, and social significance. It addresses common misconceptions and highlights how modest dress reflects deeper values of faith and moral discipline.

Four Californian Lectures - 1987 Transcripts

Authors: Sayyid Saeed Akhtar Rizvi

In Socio-Cultural, Beliefs, Tawheed (Monotheism), Self-Recognition (Understanding One's Faith), Youth Spirituality, Politics and Society

By hadi hassan

This book contains transcripts of four influential lectures delivered in California in 1987, focusing on Islamic teachings, monotheism, and how these principles apply to contemporary socio-political challenges in the West.

Fasting - Reasonings, Rulings, & Rewards

Authors: Sayyid Saeed Akhtar Rizvi

In Supplications, Muslim Practices, Sawm (Fasting), Akhlaq - Ethics, Obedience to God, Islamic Ethics (Core Values), Du'as for Special Occasions

By hadi hassan

Fasting - Reasonings, Rulings, & Rewards provides an insightful exploration of the spiritual and practical significance of fasting in Islam, detailing its rulings, philosophical reasoning, and the immense rewards promised for those who observe this sacred practice.


Authors: Sayyid Saeed Akhtar Rizvi

In Socio-Cultural, Islamic History, Women in Islam, Biographies of 14 Infallible, Politics and Society, Seerah (Life of the Prophet)

By hadi hassan

Fadak explores the historical and political significance of the land of Fadak, focusing on the inheritance dispute following the death of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and its implications for Islamic history, leadership, and justice.

Elements of Islamic Studies

Authors: Sayyid Saeed Akhtar Rizvi

In Beliefs, Tawheed (Monotheism), Nubuwwah (Prophethood), Imamah (Divine Leadership), Muslim Practices, Salah (Daily Prayers), Sawm (Fasting), Zakah (Charity Giving), Akhlaq - Ethics, Obedience to God, Islamic Ethics (Core Values)

By hadi hassan

Elements of Islamic Studies serves as an introductory text, offering a comprehensive overview of fundamental Islamic beliefs and practices. This book is perfect for beginners seeking to understand the core elements of Islam.