Books by Hadi Hassan
1,039 Books foundYouth And Spouse Selection
Authors: Unknown
In Islamic Family, Rights of Husband and Wife
By Hadi Hassan
"Youth and Spouse Selection" provides Islamic principles and practical advice for young Muslims on choosing a life partner based on faith, character, and compatibility.
what you should do before Death
Authors: Syed Muhammad Rizvi
In Beliefs, Ma’ad (Day of Judgement), Obedience to God
By Hadi Hassan
"What You Should Do Before Death" offers Islamic guidance on repentance, fulfilling obligations, and preparing spiritually and practically for the Hereafter.
Duties of People towards the Imam
Authors: Ayatullah Sayyid Taqi Musawi Isfahani
In Imamah and Wilayat (Divine Leadership)
By Hadi Hassan
"Duties of People Towards the Imam" outlines the obligations of Muslims toward their divinely appointed leader, emphasizing loyalty, obedience, and spiritual connection.
Visitation on the Shore
Authors: Unknown
In Imam Mahdi (A.S), Quranic Supplications (Dua)
By Hadi Hassan
"Visitation on the Shore" explores the spiritual significance of Ziyaraat, offering guidance on connecting with sacred sites and expressing devotion in Islam.
A Beginners Guide to Hawza Studies
Authors: unknown
In Lifestyle and Morals, Young Readers
By Hadi Hassan
"A Beginner's Guide to Hawza Studies" introduces readers to Islamic seminary education, its structure, core subjects, and practical advice for aspiring scholars.
A Closer Look At Christianity
Authors: Mohammed Qasem
In Comparative Religion (Comparing Beliefs)
By Hadi Hassan
"A Closer Look at Christianity" explores Christian beliefs and scriptures from an Islamic perspective, fostering understanding and interfaith dialogue.
80 Stories From The Life of Allama Tabatabai
Authors: Allama Muhammad Husain Tabatabai
In Biographies of Great Scholars
By Hadi Hassan
"80 Stories from the Life of Allama Tabatabai" shares inspiring anecdotes that showcase the wisdom, humility, and scholarly brilliance of this great Islamic scholar.
Ashura Encyclopedia
Authors: Jawad Muhaddathi
In Islamic History, Life History of Martyrs of Karbala
By Hadi Hassan
"Ashura Encyclopedia" provides an in-depth exploration of the events, figures, and spiritual significance of the tragedy of Karbala, offering a comprehensive reference to Ashura.
Anecdotes of Pious Men
Authors: Ayatullah Murtadha Mutahhari
In Islamic Ethics (Core Values)
By Hadi Hassan
"Anecdotes of Pious Men" shares inspiring stories of devout individuals in Islamic history, highlighting virtues like patience, humility, and faith.